Samstag, 26. März 2011

MoreUnit 2.4.1 released

We have released a new version of MoreUnit this week.
MoreUnit now has mocking support, which can be installed as a separate plugin.

With this release we relaunched a new website, thanks to Nicolas!

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

MoreUnit goes GIT

MoreUnit is now available via GIT: git://

SVN will be dropped soon.

Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

MoreUnit switched to Subversion

The MoreUnit project switched from CVS to Subversion. The new repository URL is
CVS is still available at the moment but will be dropped soon.
The reason for this switch is the long CVS downtime after the sourceforge attack. Perhaps this switch is only a first step, we are thinking about switching to GIT.

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

MoreUnit 2.3.0 released

  • Package is now shown when user is prompted for selecting a class (Jump and Run actions)
  • Fix: exception when moving class to non-source folder
  • Fix: exception when jumping action had delay
  • Minor fixes

Montag, 31. Januar 2011

Sorry for not answering to blog comments

Today I realized that I don't get a mail, if someone posts a comment to one of the blog entries and that's why I missed that some people commented to some of the posts. Sorry for that. I have changed the settings now. If some of the comments (especially these one with questions) are still up to date (some are quite old) let me know and I will try to help.

The last blog entry is a while ago, but that does not mean that nothing has happened in the meantime. Nicolas added some features and bugfixes and we are preparing a new release soon.
The people who followed the blog know that I had a hard time to p2-enable the update site. After getting this to work I concentrated on the deployment process, because one-click-one-deploy rules ;-)
Again I had a hard time automating the build process, but it I made good progress with it (using pde-build now).