Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2012

MoreUnit 2.4.3 released

We have released a new version of MoreUnit:

  • Fix: do not consider potential test cases with packages that do not match the package of the class under test anymore, except as a proposal when jumping (bugs 3482684 & 3386098)

  • Adds a "New Class" entry in the "Jump To..." pop-up menu

  • Fix: the "New Class" wizard is back when "jumping" from a test class that does not have an associated tested class yet

  • The support for mocking frameworks now also works for Eclipse platforms that use Java 5 but do not provide JAXB

  • Fix: occasional exception when moving classes (bug 3285663)

  • The preferences UI has been improved so that it better fits in the dialog, and tooltips appears

  • Improves source folder guesses for Maven-like project (more work to come)

  • Adds "throws Exception" to generated test methods

  • Fix: the "no constructor" warning does not appear anymore when mocking dependencies of a class that has a default constructor

  • Much work has been done (and is still done) to improve testing of MoreUnit :-)

3 Kommentare:

Stéphan Mestach hat gesagt…

most of our project are structure like this
* module_api : interfaces, value objects,exception
* module_impl : implementation
test/com.project.MyServiceTest that relies on MyService and spring runner

with the extended search mode, do you plan to lookup from the interface for MyServiceTest and not from the MyServiceImplTest

Stéphan Mestach hat gesagt…

most of our project are structure like this
* module_api : interfaces, value objects,exception
* module_impl : implementation
test/com.project.MyServiceTest that relies on MyService and spring runner

with the extended search mode, do you plan to lookup from the interface for MyServiceTest and not from the MyServiceImplTest

gianasista hat gesagt…

Hi Stephan,

I have added your comment to an existing feature request:

To be honest it is treated with low priority at the moment because we have lot's of other features we are currently working on (e.g. multi-language support...).