Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

MoreUnit 2.3.0 released

  • Package is now shown when user is prompted for selecting a class (Jump and Run actions)
  • Fix: exception when moving class to non-source folder
  • Fix: exception when jumping action had delay
  • Minor fixes

6 Kommentare:

Matthias Sohn hat gesagt…

I tried installing from but this seems not to be a valid p2 repository.

gianasista hat gesagt…

I have uploaded a new file at sourceforge which should be a valid p2 repository now.

Matthias Sohn hat gesagt…

still can't install from this URL

gianasista hat gesagt…

I have downloaded the zip from and it worked fine.
Perhaps you can give more information.
Did you try to use the URL as an update site? This will not work. The update-site is available under As an alternative you can download the ZIP from the Sourceforge download section and install it from the local repository.

Matthias Sohn hat gesagt…

thanks this did the trick, maybe you could put this information on your download page, usually eclipse plugins are installed directly from p2 repo and not by downloading a zip ...

gianasista hat gesagt…

The p2 repository URL is Downloading the ZIP is only a (rarely used) alternative. On our download page you can find the link to the update site (which contains the p2 repository)